Visual Information Processing and Protection Group
The Visual Information Processing and Protection (VIPP) group is an informal research group belonging to the Laboratory of Telematics and Telecommunications (LTT) of the Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics of the University of Siena.
The VIPP Group was founded in 2005 and it currently consists of 11 members:
1 Professor, 1 Assistant Professor, 3 Junior Assistant Professors, 1 Postdoctoral Researcher, 4 PhD students, and 1 external collaborator.
The research interests of the VIPP group span the whole area of Multimedia Security, with a particular focus on the protection and authentication of visual information. Other research areas of the VIPP group include adversarial signal and information processing, machine learning application to digital forensics, adversarial machine learning, data hiding and watermarking.
Currently, the most active research area is Multimedia Forensics, with special emphasis on Adversarial Image and video Forensics, that is the development of media forensic techniques designed in such a way to withstand the attacks of one or more adversaries aiming at system failure. This research activity is partially funded by DARPA (U.S.) through the Semafor project and by the Italian Ministry of University and Research through the PREMIER project.
The VIPP group is especially devoted to keep a high quality research standard, and for this reason it adopts and pushes the Reproducible Signal Processing (RSP) paradigm, whereby the reproducibility of the experimental part of the researches carried out by the group is ensured by providing a precise description of the experiments and, whenever possible, by sharing the software produced by the group with other researchers.
The group welcomes students and researchers wishing to spend a self-funded, research period within the group. Expression of interest should be submitted, together with a CV, to Prof. Mauro Barni.
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