Visual Information Processing and Protection Group

Andrea Costanzo


Short Biography

Andrea Costanzo was born in Florence on August 28th 1982. He qualified from Liceo Classico Enea Silvio Piccolomini of Siena in 2001. He received the Laurea degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Siena in 2009 with the thesis “Development of an image authentication technique based on robust watermarking”In February 2014, he completed his PhD course at the Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics of the University of Siena, Italy. 

Andrea Costanzo’s research interests focused on Multimedia Forensics and Counter-forensics, and Digital Watermarking. Within image forensics, he dedicated to different topics including: image spicing detection based on the semantic information extracted by means of segmentation; the analysis of the history of groups of near-duplicate images to reveal their parent-child relationships for copyright enforcement, news tracking and clustering; the study of methods for the cooperation of heterogeneous image forensic detectors based on the Fuzzy fusion of their decision scores in such a way to deal with uncertainty, incompatibility and noise. Within image counter-forensics, he investigated strengths and weaknesses of the forensic algorithms based the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) and other similar keypoint-based algorithms; he devised both new attacks bypassing the forensic analysis and countermeasures to support the forensic analysis. Other research interests were video watermarking aimed to the new generation of video codecs (HEVC), video forensics (AVC/HEVC) and contextual authentication of images by relying on Web search engines.

Since 2016, he is supporting the activities of the VIPP group as research fellow and freelance collaborator. His research interests are currently focused on Machine Learning and Deep Learning applications for Digital Forensics and Counter-Forensics.

He participated to the LivinKnowledge, Rewind, MAVEN European projects and to the MediFor (Media Forensics Integrity Analytics) project funded by DARPA and Air Force Research Laboratory.

His activities withing the VIPP group include research support, prototype development (Python, Matlab), computer programming (C++, C#), containerization (Docker), Unix server administration (Ubuntu), website building and administration (HTML, CCS, Javascript, SQL and Microsoft T-SQL).


The full list of publications of Andrea Costanzo can be found in the Journal Publications and Conference Publications sections of the website.

Check the Tutorials section of the website for Andrea Costanzo's tutorials or visit the PhD Theses page to download his PhD thesis

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