Visual Information Processing and Protection Group

Benedetta Tondi


Short Biography
Benedetta Tondi received the master degree (cum laude) in Electronics and Communications Engineering at the University of Siena in 2012 and her PhD degree in Information Engineering and Mathematical Sciences at the University of Siena in 2016, with a thesis on the Theoretical Foundations of Adversarial Detection and Applications to Multimedia Forensics, in the area of Multimedia Security.
She is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics, University of Siena. She has been assistant for the course of Information Theory and Coding and Multimedia Security. She is a member of the Visual Information Processing and Protection (VIPP) Group led by Prof. Mauro Barni. She is part of the IEEE Young Professionals and IEEE Signal Processing Society, and a member of the National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications (CNIT). From January 2019, she is also a member of the Information Forensics and Security (IFS) Technical Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society.
Her research interest focuses on the application of Information-Theoretic methods and Game theory concepts to Forensics and Counter-Forensics analysis and more in general to Multimedia Security, and on Adversarial Signal Processing. Recently, she is working on Machine Learning and Deep Learning applications for Digital Forensics and Counter-Forensics, and on the security of Machine Learning techniques.
From October 2014 to February 2015 she has been a visiting student at the University of Vigo at the Signal Processing in Communications Group (GPSC), working on the study of techniques to reveal attacks in Watermarking Systems. Her stay was funded by a Spanish National Project on Multimedia Security.
She is currently involved in the DARPA Semantic Forensics (SemaFor) program, 2020-2024, as Co-PI investigator, and in the PREserving Media trustworthiness in the artificial Intelligence ERa (Premier) PRIN project funded by MIUR as workpackage coordinator.
She has been reviewer for several IEEE Transactions, Elsevier and IET journals, for the IEEE Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition Letters. She has been designated reviewer, and member of the Technical Program Committee of several IEEE Workshops and International Conferences.
She was co-organizer of special sessions at EUSIPCO 2018, IEEE ICIP 2019 and 2022, and session chair at several IEEE Workshops and International Conferences.
She has been Area Chair (Information Forensics Area) of IEEE ICASSP 2020 and 2021, and ICIP 2019, 2021, 2022 and 2023.
She has been Technical Program Chair of ACM IH%MMSEC 2022, and member of the Organizing Committee of IEEE WIFS 2019 and 2023.
She is recipient of the Best Student Paper Award at the IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS) 2014, the Best Paper Award at the IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS) 2015 and at the The Ninth International Conferences on Advances in Multimedia (MMEDIA) 2017.
She is winner of the 2017 GTTI PhD Award for the best PhD Theses defended at an Italian University in the areas of Communications Technologies (Signal Processing, Digital Communications, Networking).
She has been Guest Editor of special issues on the EURASIP Journal of Information Security,the MDPI Entropy journal and MDPI Journal of Imaging, and the IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing.
She has been Associate Editor for the EURASIP Journal of Information Security and for the IET Information Security. She is currently Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, the IEEE Signal Processing Letter and the Journal Frontiers in Signal Processing, Image Processing.
Her research interest focuses on the application of Information-Theoretic methods and Game theory concepts to Forensics and Counter-Forensics analysis and more in general to Multimedia Security, and on Adversarial Signal Processing. Recently, she is working on Machine Learning and Deep Learning applications for Digital Forensics and Counter-Forensics, and on the security of Machine Learning techniques.
From October 2014 to February 2015 she has been a visiting student at the University of Vigo at the Signal Processing in Communications Group (GPSC), working on the study of techniques to reveal attacks in Watermarking Systems. Her stay was funded by a Spanish National Project on Multimedia Security.

The full list of publications of Benedetta Tondi can be found in the Journal Publications and Conference Publications sections of the website.

Check the Teaching section of the website for Benedetta Tondi's teaching material.
Check the Tutorials section of the website for Benedetta Tondi's tutorials or visit the PhD Theses page to download her PhD thesis.

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