Visual Information Processing and Protection Group

Information Theory

The course aims at giving the students a solid theoretical and practical introduction to basic concepts of information theory. 

The course consists of 4 main parts as detailed below:

1. Measuring information

2. Source coding

3. Channel coding

4. Extension to continuous sources and rate distortion theory

Suggested Bibliography:

1. T. Cover, J. A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory, Wiley, Third Edition

2. K. Sayood, Inroduction to data compression, Morgan Kauffman, hird Edition

3. J. Proakis, M. Salehi, Communication Systems Engineering, Prentice Hall, hird Edition

Lecture Notes

Although we did our best to provide error-proof notes, there still may be some errors. If you find some, please let us know as soon as possible either during lectures or by writing an email to prof. Barni. Thanks for your understanding.

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