Anselmo Ferreira got a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at Institute of Computing, State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil, in 2016. His Ph.D. research was related to create and fuse solutions to diverse Digital Image Forensics applications. Afterwards, he had worked in researching and developing machine learning solutions for industry, security and stock market applications. He has research experience in several universities and research institutes around the world, such as POLIMI and UNICA (Italy), UNICAMP and LNCC (Brazil), and SZU (China). He is a reviewer of six machine learning journals, he was awarded as one of the best forgery makers of the I IEEE Forensics Challenge (IFC), a research paper he co-authored was awarded as the best 2017 JVCI paper, and his thesis was selected as the best 2016 PhD Thesis in Computer Science of the university he graduated.